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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How To Look Beuty

The best way is to be enough to seem natural, but there are ideas and ways to help. 
1. Smile with your lips and eyes. 
2. Take care of your skin. 
3. Try to see makeup as adding here and there. 
4. Choose clothes that flatter your body, but do not go too far. 

5. Take care of your hair. 
6. Stand up straight. It will make you look self-confident, and others will notice. 
7. Understand the value of inner beauty. There are “enough” people in this world, but beauty is common. After talking to some of them, you can begin to think they are not so pretty. Make people stop paying attention to the outside when the inside is not beautiful.
8. Feel good about yourself. When you feel good, you look good. Really.
9. Exercise every day and drink 8 glasses of water regularly. The water will lend a nice glow to your skin and make it clearer.
10. Get enough sleep.

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